Our Product as a Service – Why own a pole if you just need to use it? Always the right poles available!

Always have the right pole at the right time for a fixed monthly budget

Vaulting Poles as a service

Think of this!!! The average pole vaulter who starts vaulting at the age of 12 to 13 and retires as a senior, vaults on between 60-90 different poles during his career. WoW!!! That’s an impressive number, isn’t it? And this is independently of his individual performance level.

If you think this through, this fact has quite some implications on your financials:

No matter whether you are a coach at a club, with a stretched thin budget to provide the right set of poles to all your athelets, or you are an ambitious vaulter, who purchases his own poles, you need quite some annual budget to always provide the right poles at the right time. Due to our Poles As A Service program (PAAS) we can provide you at any time the flexibility you need. – Make sure, you or your vaulters, are always on the right poles to progress in their careers, even given budget constraints.

Leasing program is currently only available in benelux, france and germany, other countries only upon special request ( +15 poles)

Your benefits


Entry level poles
15,00 Monthly / 3y plan
  • Starting @ 3m35
  • Ending @ 3m85
  • €32,50 1y plan
  • Discount for larger sets

Prices are excl. VAT (21%)


Cub level poles
20,00 Monthly / 3y plan
  • Starting @ 4m00
  • Ending @ 4m30
  • €50,001y plan
  • Discount for larger sets


Advanced level poles
25,00 Monthly / 3y plan
  • Starting @ 4m45
  • Ending @ 4m75
  • €65,00 1y plan
  • Discount for larger sets


High level poles
27,50 Monthly / 3y plan
  • Starting @ 4m90
  • Ending @ 5m10
  • €75,00 1y plan
  • Discount for larger sets


Twice a year we will replace the poles for you. In addition, you can exchange (part of) your leased set a further 2 times at any time against a service charge of €25 plus you will need to manage the return of the pole to us and the replacement pole back to you. ESSX EU can manage the logistics for you (at your own cost)

No pole that you lease is older than 3 years, all poles have been tested for security before they are handed over to you. 

Good question, we will look at the complete set of poles and ensure you will get a good price for the whole duration of the contract. The more poles in a set, the bigger the discount. We aim for made-to-measure solutions, so please contact us so we can work out the details!

There is a fee for damaged / broken poles based on the current value of a pole. This is of course only applicable if the pole damages are due to mishandling / incorrect use of the pole. UST-ESSX regular warranties will always apply

Twice a year we will arrange the transport of your vaulting poles, either by our own delivery, through our network of pole vaulters or by a transport company. If you arrange your own transport, we will be able to offer you significant savings.

Yes! To ensure that you are at least equipped for a full session and/or competition, we ask that you rent a minimum of three poles,